Bayfest 2013 - Sarnia Bayfest Home

Bayfest is Going Green

Rogers Bayfest is proud to announce that we're GOING GREEN this year. In the efforts to stimulate our local community into GREEN awareness we have begun this campaign.

With hopes to offset the nickname that Sarnia has been given of "Chemical Valley", we want to encourage the community as a whole and as individuals to consider their environmental impact.

Our goal for 2009 is to reduce waste by 20%. Some of the cool new Green Features you will see at this year's Bayfest include a reusable green beer cup and ten foot circles all around the park in which waste can be disposed into for elimination in the most environmentally friendly way. Our green Bayfest cups will be for sale and each purchaser will be able to receive any drink they have purchased from the Festival in it and then take it home and use it over and over again. Our ultimate goal is to become a ZERO WASTE festival in five years by reducing 20% of waste each year.

At present, we are still looking for sponsors to help us go green. If your business is interested in sponsoring us you can contact us by email at or by phone at 519-337-4474.

OntarioStokes Bay Grill & BarMikes Hard LemonadeStokes Inland