Bayfest 2013 - Sarnia Bayfest Home

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I purchase tickets?

A: Tickets are available for sale online (here), via telephone at (519) 337-4474 / 866-450-4474 and at various ticket locations in the area. For information on ticket locations, visit the ticket information page.

Q: Why should I go VIP?

A: Fantastic View!! VIP is the only section directly in front of the stage. You have separate entrance gate, separate washroom facilities and limited number of tickets sold in this area. VIP Licensed gives you access to your own bar area. There is a limited supply of chairs at the back of the VIP area. Given to patrons on a first come basis. No outside lawn chairs allowed in the VIP area

Q: What is the difference between a General Admission Ticket and a VIP ticket?

A: Vip ticket holders enjoy special privileges including:

  • your own line up into the park
  • access to the front of the stage
  • your own washroom facilities
  • and if you hold a licensed VIP ticket, you will also have your own bar.

There are a limited amount of VIP tickets sold every year.

Q: What is the difference between Licensed and Unlicensed VIP?

A: Licensed is for patrons 19 years of age or older and permits the purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages. (Government issued proof of age is required.) Unlicensed does not have alcohol sales and alcohol is not permitted in to this area.

Q: Does a General Admission ticket permit entry into the beer gardens?

A: General Admission permits you entrance into the park. To be admitted into the Beer Gardens, you simply must be 19+ years of age and present valid Government ID.

Q: I bought a pass. I know I'm not going to all of the shows. Can I give the ticket for that show to my daughter (she's 14)? Will they let her use the ticket?

A: Yes, since passes include a ticket to each show included in the pass, the passes can be separated and used by different people.

Q: When will the Ticket Booth and the Will Call Booth be open and where is it located?

A: The Ticket and Will Call Booth will be open two hours prior to the gates opening. The Will Call booth is located at the front/east entrance (on Front Street) beside the ticket booth. Ticket booths are located at each gate.

Q: Why should I buy advance tickets?

A: It's the only way to guarantee your admittance to the Festival. Also, ticket prices are more expensive at the gate.

Q: Will the event sell-out?

A: Some previous Bayfest performers have sold out. No tickets are held back - once it is sold out, it is sold out!

Q: Can I bring a lawn chair, blanket, umbrella, gymbag, knapsack, cooler?

A: To honour the wishes of the performers and to follow the law, you may not bring in outside food or beverages or knapsacks, gymbags, umbrellas, etc. There will be ample vendors for food and beverages.

However, you may bring a lawn chair and/or a blanket into the GENERAL ADMISSION AREA ONLY. No outside chairs will be allowed into the VIP area. There is a limited supply of chairs at the back of the VIP area. Given to patrons on a first come basis. Since the crowds at Bayfest are large, lawnchairs are only permitted in designated areas, at the rear of the GENERAL ADMISSION Bayfest grounds. Lawnchairs are not permitted in the VIP sections.

You don't want to be the only person sitting in the crowd at the front of the stage, now do you?

Q: Can I bring outside food, water, pop, coffee, etc into the concert?

A: No you cannot bring in outside food or drinks. There are plenty of vendors you can purchase these items from inside the gates. Please note: Due to contracts from the headliners, our vendors are required to remove the bottle caps from the pop and water.

Q: I ordered tickets that are to be picked up at the gate. Where is the pick up location?

A: Pre-ordered tickets are to be picked up at the Will Call booth located at the Front Street entrance.

Q: To pick up my pre-ordered tickets, what do I need?

A: Bring the confirmation number that you were given as well as photo ID. Your confirmation number is not a necessity but it will speed up the process.

Q: Can I wear studded or spiked jewellery?

A: For the safety of our patrons, studded or spike jewellery is not allowed on the Bayfest grounds.

Q: Are cameras allowed?

A: Personal (point and shoot) cameras are welcome but professional cameras are not permitted. Professional cameras include any with removable or zoom lenses and SLRs.

Anyone attempting to record (audio/video) the performance or transmit it via any means may be prosecuted.

Q: Can I bring my pets (dogs, cats, budgies, goldfish, orangutans or koalas)?

A: Nope. Sorry, but absolutely no animals whatsoever!

Q: When should I book a hotel? Is it hard to find one?

A: It is recommended that you secure a hotel room as soon as possible. Many hotels will fill up quickly.

Q: Will you have a Bank machine on site?

A: There will be cash machines on site, however it will be inside the festival grounds and not accessible for those who need money to purchase entrance tickets. We highly recommend you bring enough money for your entrance, some food and beverages and any other purchases you might want to make. Our gate, food vendors and beverage tickets are cash only. Vendors of memorabilia MAY accept other forms of payment.

Q: Must I be of legal drinking age to attend?

A: No, the Bayfest festival has separate areas that permit us to have patrons who are not of age of majority.

Q: What is the legal drinking age in Ontario?

A: 19. Be responsible - if you are going to drink, please don't drive. If you are going to drive, please don't drink. The event staff and security will not tolerate drunkenness.

Q: I am disabled, is there anything I should know? Is there an area for people like myself?


  • In an attempt to make Bayfest as accessible as possible for our guests, we have created a raised platform for our guests with special needs.
  • We have also arranged for parking close to the event entrance.
  • Parking is in the Centennial Park parking lot off of Front St.
  • As the street may be closed when you arrive at the event, simply show the security personnel your government issued "Disabled Parking Permit" and they will allow you through.
  • Once in the parking lot, look for a volunteer to provide you with a stamp for access to our accessible raised platform.

Note: You are permitted to bring one guest with you (all attendees are required to purchase tickets to the show).

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